February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

David Gray • February 2, 2022
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Endorsed by both Chambers of Congress, February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. It is a shame that we need to dedicate a month to raising awareness about teen dating violence. But we do. According to teendvmonth.org, 10% of all teenagers between the age of 12 to 18 are victims of dating violence and intimidation. This includes stalking, harassment, physical or sexual abuse. In fact, because this is such a serious issue, the CDC has determined that dating violence victims are likely to experience suicidal thoughts, antisocial behaviors, depression and anxiety, and have a higher level of alcohol and drug abuse.

What Can You Do?

As a parent, we have so much to worry about when it comes to our kids. Also, as a lawyer who handles family law issues, our team also helps adult victims of domestic abuse. Consequently, we know the damage domestic violence and abuse causes to the victim – adult or child – and their families. We take it seriously and will do everything within the legal system to protect victims from further abuse. Whether the situation calls for an investigation, a restraining order, or a civil action, we always put the victim’s interests first. Our team will always listen and show sincere empathy. We also understand that it is hard for victims to share their story – we get it!

For example, the abuser might attend the same school as the teenage victim. This situation can certainly complicate the issue. Not only does the victim have to see the abuser, but teenagers also tend to engage in gossip and can just be mean. Regardless, there are solutions and safety measures that can be put in place.

Talk to Your Kids

For parents, look for the signs of abuse. Does the abuser try to keep your son or daughter away from you? Are they more anxious than usual? Talk to your kids about healthy relationships and their attributes. Let the kids know that you are there for them, unconditionally. Check out the Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month website link above. There is much more helpful information there. 

In the meantime, please reach out if you have questions. We also offer a free consultation to discuss your situation and options.

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