Is it True that January is Divorce Month?

David Gray • January 3, 2023

If you Google “January is Divorce Month", you will find over 37,000,000 search results. Using common sense, there are many reasons why people think January is the most popular or practical time for a divorce. Before looking at these reasons and to clear the record, January is not always the most popular month for divorces in New Jersey. In fact, in 2019 March, April and October had more divorce filings than January.

Regardless of the statistics, there is some practical and emotional reason for divorcing in January.

Emotional Reasons

One emotional reason is that people want to get through the holidays without additional stress. This can be especially true for those with children. During the Christmas season, we hear all about Joy & Peace. In the eyes of a child, what can be less joyful or peaceful than your parents splitting up during the holidays? Or maybe the parents want one more holiday as an intact family.

Another emotional reason why people divorce in January is to get a fresh start or a clean slate. This is the year I lose weight, save money, and get out of an unhappy relationship. While there is no right or wrong time to get a divorce, the new year may just be a good psychological time to make such a decision.

Practical Reasons

Compensation. Many people receive year-end bonuses and other benefits, and one spouse may be entitled to a significant portion of the other spouse’s compensation. Therefore, it could make sense to wait until the end of the year to seek a divorce. New Jersey has the legal concept of equitable distribution. Basically, this means the court will split marital assets in a fair manner.

Taxes! A change in marital status could cause a change in your tax filing status which could bring tax benefits.  A divorce could also trigger other tax considerations. For this reason, it is important to get your financial advisor or accountant involved in the process.

Whether fact or fiction that January is divorce month, there are some reasons why somebody may prefer to get divorced at the beginning of the year. That said, in reality, the best time to seek a divorce is when you are ready to go through the emotional and legal process to make it happen.

And when you are ready, we are here to help you. Contact us to set up a consultation!

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