Through my personal life, and my work, I have been fortunate to meet many law enforcement professionals in New Jersey. Some are family members, some are clients, and many are friends. I respect their commitment and sacrifice. However, it saddens me when I see the toll their job takes on their personal lives. Because we handle family law, I have seen common causes of divorce for law enforcement professionals.
When we think of law enforcement professionals, we often only think of our local police departments. But there are many other types serving and protecting us. In New Jersey, we have law enforcement professionals at the local and state level. Examples include:
And, did you know, there are almost 200,000 full-time federal law enforcement professionals? When thinking about it, I came up with the following list of law enforcement types at the federal level. I am sure I left out a few examples but here is my list anyway:
Regardless of the job, jurisdiction, or agency, I know the common causes of divorce for law enforcement professionals.
When talking to my law enforcement friends, families, and especially clients going through a divorce, several things become clear. The first thing is that it is hard to be a law enforcement professional. You have work-related requirements and stresses, unlike most other workers. Let’s take a closer look at some of these unique circumstances.
The above real-life issues are some common causes of divorce for law enforcement professionals. Not can these issues lead to divorce, but they also affect other family law issues. For example, your work schedule may complicate custody and parenting time arrangements. Or the stresses lead to incidents of domestic violence. Regardless of your situation, we have years of experience navigating the stressful nature of divorce. You will help you do what is best for you and your family.
The divorce lawyers and child custody attorneys at Gray Law Group can help. Give us a call!
Gray Law Group, LLC